Monday, December 31, 2007

1st Day of 2008

Thought I would return back to blogging on my first day of 2008.

Was away from work since 19th Dec and practically did holiday was kinda new for me. No hassle and no pressure of planning and making sure the plan was working accordingly...For the first time also , I did not receive urgent calls from office during this break. Some lesson learned:-

1) Don't plan! Don't even think what you need to do for the day....just wake up and follow your heart.. you will surprise how at ease you will be.

2) Take leave when your colleagues or bosses are also on leave.....Why? So they don't call you! Seriously...I used to think that the best time to be in the office was when your bosses/colleagues are away and you can lepak in the office ....Wrong! They will call you when you are on leave!...Unless you are the type where you get the kick that your are very important at work and your office can't live without you!!!

3) I realised that I tend to spend more when I am on a break...even without holidays... By now I know every corner of Pavilion, Gardens Mid Valley....where to park your car the best so that you can get out of the building fast during peak hours....Oh the staff at Starbucks will be giving me my spot in their Halls of Fame soon...kekeke. So need to cut down the length of holidays or cut out my credit in my next long holiday plan.

Well in the last 15 days of break, attended a few outings:

1) A Christmas Eve wedding lunch.... It was an college mate wedding. He was 39 and the bride 25....looks like the trend now or its my age....anyway ...a nice simple lunch reception and meeting some old college mates....but have to find excuses not to attend wedding invitations anymore...cos running out of ideas how to explain me being still "single"....urggh....hate straight weddings....

2) Later part that nite....had a small Christmas Eve gathering with my wife and his k'sistas'...its was nice and cosy.....and minus the gift exchanges which has become very overbearing in some past parties that we attended.

3) Last Nite... New Year's eve was our 5th Anniversary....Arranged a nice chinese dinner at Yu Jia Restaurant in Jalan Imbi with my wife's 'sistas'....The food was great and I highly recommend this restaurant for a good fine chinese dining. After dinner, we walked to Bkt Bintang....well it was really happening ....The street was jammed packed with people and the mood was great!...We sat and gathered at the Dome ....its was the only place we could the count down began, the revellers were spraying the fake snow....which I thought was a little late right for Christmas....anyway it was forgiven as everyone was really high!......Then came the firework which my wife enjoyed so much.....He was a like a little kid shouting out with every firework display.....Oh as promised to wife...I presented him our first diamond ring.....though a small one but promised it will grow to a bigger one our next 8th anniversary....kekeke...

Well 15 days of break had just passed by so quickly...but it is one of my better break.... and now I itching to get to back to work....I think thats how a break from work so be....don't you think so?....

Happy New Year everyone.....may you have a blessed year ahead of you....


David The Man said...

It's true... If you plan, you actually plan to stress yourself out.

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