Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Health vs Wealth

Over the last week, the major newspaper had highlighted the plight of Hui Yi. Thank goodness for the kind human being that we have around us to give Hui Yi a second chance in life. Her plight really touched everydbody and the sacrificed by the donors' families. May god bless them and their kids' soul. My eyes welled up the other day when I saw the sweet smiley picture of the guy which provided Hui Yi the second heart. The anguished face of his parents and the relieved face of Hui Yi's parents was just really overwhelming the same time. To the IJN doctors, my kudos. It bring back some confident back in my thought that Malaysia is not that bad after all albeit all the stupid politicians who trying to take position and credits on this situation.

Yesterday, I had the chance to meet and chat with my colleague that is stricken with cancer.....Since she broke the news to me about 2 months ago, I did not visit her and met her..It was just sms and a couple of calls....Maybe I was afraid to see her face to face...dont know what to tell her or say....It was pretty awkward for me yesterday.

To my surprise , she looked pretty upbeat when I chatted. Apart of her cropping her hair short, I could not detect anything else in wrong with her or she is a cancer patient. She shared some of her experience on what she went through since the doctor broke the news to her....She is now trying to be more positive to move ahead .....Doctors say she will only know if she is out of the woods in 5 years time...So to her, she is living everyday now to the fullest....even though she may occasionally get knocked down with the chemo session she needs to go through....In fact the docs had implanted a metal component in her body for the chemo drips....she was jokingly saying that she is now a droid....

One incident she shared that really touched me was about her writing her will on the eve of her operation day...She cried and cried while writing the will ...she is single by the way and lived with her aged mother....when she finished her will she realised that she needs to get 2 witness signatory....and there was not enough quorum at she drove out to another friend's place to get the friend signed the will as witness....That really tugged my heart...seriously...

So it got to me thinking....even I had all the money/wealth and having to put them on a will .....what for!! if I do not have good health to enjoy it!

So what is your choice?

I will live to the fullest each and every day... earned enough to get through a healthy day everyday.....


Magus Young said...

sorry are thought you havent update ur blog, just visited it. Thousand Apologies!!! BTw we shud never take life for granted, true?

DYCW said... least got read... is just too short sometimes...