Monday, June 18, 2007

Fathers' Day

Fathers' Day ...this is the day where fathers all over the world being honoured. For myself , I have never celebrated it before.

My parents divorced when I was 3 or 4...can't remember. Anyway my mom left my father and brought me along and my 2 other brothers. Ever since that, my father just dissappeared. Never to appear again in my life until I was 16.....just a chance to meet him once to get his signatory for the issuance of my passport....even though my mom tried so hard not to get him involved....but immigration insisted that just as long my father was alive....he needs to sign! Oi....Jabatan Immigresen....wake up! There are many cases where single mothers faced the same situation and sometimes can't locate the fathers.....Anyway....that was history and hopefully things has changed for the better now with the Immigration.

About 15 years ago, my father decided to go back to Hainan Island...back to his kampung...yeah right... I am your pure chinaman!...Left no contacts whatsoever....Last year, I got news from my distant relatives that he had passed away about 4 years ago. Again a pure case of MIA ended death.

So did I miss out anything on father and sons relationship? I don't know...cos I don't know how...Watching my BF's relationship with his father makes me wonder have I missed out anything....Or because of the missing connection ...I am gay today!.....( hey there were scientific behaviour research saying absent father will make the son gay.....hahaha!)

I have never been really bothered about not having a father....but of late with the heavy commercialism of celebrating Fathers get smacked in your face with all sweet lovey dovey must do for fathers days...and that bothers me a little.

But hey I do celebrate Mothers' Day because she all I have.... ; )

1 comment:

Mr RM said...

I have always been MUCH closer to my mum than my dad. Till today, I will hang out with my mum, do shopping, go temple etc etc. SOMEHOW, i rarely do anything with my dad. I really don't know why...